At Yowie Bay Public School we have a skilled Learning Support Team that consists of the Learning Support Team Coordinator, the Principal, Assistant Principals, School Counsellor, School Chaplain, Learning and Support Teacher and Class Teacher.
We meet each week to discuss the specific needs and progress of students with learning and social needs. The team discusses referrals from teachers and parents and makes decisions to support the development of plans to assist children with learning needs.

School Chaplain
The role of our chaplain is to help support our children, teachers and parents feel happy and safe at school. One of the chaplain’s roles is to support children solve minor problems and concerns that arise at school in their social interactions and peer groups. If there are any problems at home or in the family, parents can request the chaplain talk to their child. For example, an illness or death in the family; parent separation; difficulty with siblings or peers. Parents/guardians are encouraged to visit, call, email or complete a referral form available from the office.
School Counsellor
School counsellors are members of the school Learning Support Team. Parents or carers may seek advice from school counsellors about their child’s school progress, educational options, including access to special education services, behaviour and for information about help available from other agencies. School counselling is a confidential service and school counsellors will check with children, parents or carers before passing on information (such as the results of tests of learning difficulties) to others. Confidentiality will be maintained unless legal requirements, eg child protection legislation, override it. School counsellors are not at every school every day. It is necessary for parents or carers to make an appointment by telephoning the school. Priorities for the school counsellor’s time will be determined, in consultation with the school counsellor, by the Learning Support Team.
NSW public schools are well prepared to support students with disability and additional learning and support needs and staff are ready to answer your questions.
Visit our Inclusive learning support hub for more information on:
- children starting school with additional needs
- support and adjustments available
- personalised learning and development.