At Yowie Bay Public School students have Library Classes each week. During library lessons the children are exposed to a wide range of quality literature. They learn about authors, illustrators and publishers. They learn about the organisation of libraries and how to use them.
The library is open during lunch times Monday-Friday. Activities include quiet reading, drawing, games, computers and research. The computers in the library can be used for research or to complete work. Each stage also has a day when they are able to play games on the computers.
Children borrow books during library lessons and at lunch time. Kindergarten borrows one book initially and when they have mastered the procedures of borrowing they graduate to two books per week.
Stage 1 borrows two books per week, Stage 2 three books per week and Stage 3 four books per week.
The borrowing period is three weeks but children are encouraged to borrow or renew their books weekly. Lost or damaged books are to be paid for at the replacement cost.
It is highly recommended that the children use the plastic lined school library bag to carry their books. Children in K-2 will only be allowed to borrow if they have a library bag with them.
Stage 3 children have the opportunity to nominate for library monitor positions at the beginning of each year. If chosen they are rostered on for one lunch duty each week to help in the library.
Parental assistance in the library with reshelving and covering books is also welcome as this results in more time being devoted to teaching.
Book Club
Book Club Children are invited to purchase books through the Scholastic Book Club. The aims of the Book Club are to encourage children to read for enjoyment and to provide reasonably priced books designed to appeal to children of all abilities.
There are four Book Clubs operating in the school:
• Wombat Book Club - Preschool and Kindergarten children
• Lucky Book Club - Years 1 and 2
• Arrow Book Club - Years 3 and 4
• Star Book Club - Years 5 and 6
Information on current books available and necessary forms are sent home on a regular basis, however, there is no obligation to purchase. Purchase of books by children enables the school to earn tokens which are used to obtain additional books for the school library. Parent volunteers coordinate Book Club.