Sporting Opportunities
Yowie Bay Public School offers a wide range of sporting opportunities to suit every interest and skill level in an inclusive and encouraging environment for all students. We offer both competitive and non competitive programs.
Our school sport (non-competitive) program includes a variety of skill based games such as dodge ball, soccer skills, table tennis, tennis and basketball.
Our competitive PSSA sporting program gives students the chance to represent the school in district and state competitions. Student’s trial and can be selected for PSSA teams including soccer, touch football, AFL, ultimate frisbee, netball, basketball, cricket, softball and football.
Teacher’s accompany all students to PSSA games and are dedicated to helping them develop skills, build teamwork, and foster sportsmanship.

Sport Carnivals
Yowie Bay Public School holds a Swimming Carnival in Term 1 each year and an Athletics Carnival in Term 2. Our Cross Country Carnival is held at Miranda Park. All Years 3-6 children are expected to attend. Competitors must turn 8 years of age in the year of the event. Participation is optional for 8-year-old Year 2 children. From these events, children are selected to represent the school in zone carnivals. Children from zone carnivals are selected to take part in Sydney East area carnivals where selection can be gained to compete at state carnivals.

Sport Houses
All children in Kindergarten to Year 6 are placed in one of the four houses for sport. Bamal - Green, Badu - Blue, Ganbi - Red, Mindjigari - Yellow. Children are to wear their House t-shirts to the sports carnivals. Each grade is allocated a sport day where children are required to wear their complete sports uniform. On days where children participate in the school’s fitness program, they are required to bring their sport shoes to change into for the duration of the activity.
PSSA - Primary School Sports Association
Children in Years 3 to 6 have the opportunity to trial to represent the school in sports competitions in a variety of sports. PSSA Sport is held on Friday during school time and requires children to travel to sporting venues by bus. Parents are most welcome to attend as spectators, provided they adhere to the Cronulla Zone PSSA Parents’ Code of Conduct.
Premier’s Sporting Challenge
The Premier’s Sporting Challenge encourages children to be more active. Children from K-6 must complete 10 weeks of physical activity in order to qualify for a Premier’s Sporting Challenge Bronze, Silver, Gold or Diamond Award.
Year 2 Swimming Scheme
A swimming Scheme program operates in Term 3. This is an intensive ten-day learn-to swim program at Sutherland Leisure Centre, which develops water confidence and basic skills in water safety and survival. Students in Year 2 participate in this program and all swim levels are catered for. Lessons are free but there is a cost for transport and pool entry.
A swimming Scheme program operates in Term 3. This is an intensive ten-day learn-to swim program at Sutherland Leisure Centre, which develops water confidence and basic skills in water safety and survival. Students in Year 2 participate in this program and all swim levels are catered for. Lessons are free but there is a cost for transport and pool entry.